Tiny Zoo Wiki
Collard Lemming XmasLimited
Collard Lemming
Lvl req. 1
Type Xmas Animals
Area Snowy Forest
Shop / Animal
Cost Gold 500.000
Gain Veteran/ For 1 Animal {{{GainVeteran}}}
Gain 09.2011/ For 1 Animal Gold 3.000
XP 300
Every 12 hours
Breeding / Animal
Parent1 --
Parent2 --
Cost Gold 2.500.000
in 17 hours
Instant Zoo Bucks 13/13
Reward for completing a Family
Family XP 300
Family Gain Gold 5.000
Crossbreeding / Animal
Partner1 --
Result1 --
X-Cost1 --
X-in1 --
X-Instant1 --
Partner2 --
Result2 --
X-Cost2 --
X-in2 --
X-Instant2 --
Collections --

The Collard Lemming is a part of the Xmas Animals themed collection.

The northern collared lemming or Nearctic collared lemming, sometimes called the Peary Land collared lemming in Canada, is a small lemming found in Arctic North America and Wrangel Island. At one time, it was considered to be a subspecies of the Arctic lemming.
